Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tips for visitors to France

1 - Choose hours of the morning to visit the Louvre Museum in order to benefit from a full-time tourist to cover all of the museum.

2 - Eiffel Tower closed its doors for visitors at 11 pm in all seasons except summer, continue to the middle of the night and opens its doors at 9 am.

3 - to the large number of hotels in Paris and the similarity of their names and their presence on Narrow streets
we are advised to keep a card of hotel in order to use it when you need to return to the hotel.

4 - tourists can take a tour to learn about the landmarks of Paris by bus with two floors, and how to access it, please use the service of tourists at hotel reception.

5 - helicopter rental service available, where tourists can take a tour to learn about the landmarks of Paris from the air.

6 - see the Lido of the finest things that are possible to do, as it offers the most beautiful French thriller.

7 - If you're a fan of vessels are advised to ride to enjoy lunch on board a luxury ship ((Albatoparisian)) on the River Seine.الاستماع
قراءة صوتية للكلمات

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